10 Days of Dads-Giving
It’ll be a week of new experiences for the Haas Family. We learned last Spring that Cayden’s offseason soccer team, Berks United, had the opportunity to travel to Scotland and London to play soccer. What a cool opportunity! Of course, the opportunity worked because of the amount of “time off” around the Thanksgiving holiday. So Desiree (who couldn’t miss this opportunity to have a special experience with Cayden) and Cayden departed for Dublin and London from the Philly airport on Friday, November 22nd, not to return until December 1st. Writing this, I feel all the emotions; excited for them, sad to be without them, and anxious to try to be super dad to Gabriel and Lucas these next 10 days.
This will be a big chunk of time without them, so I planned this whole thing out (surprised?). Not all the details, but the themes. We will balance activity and experiences with rest and cuddles (because they still appreciate that!). We’ve decided to call it “10 Days of Dads-Giving” because there are often things they want to do, that don’t always fit the crazy busy schedule. The hope is to have a bunch of fun experiences to distract ourselves from missing Mom and Cayden, while also making up for some lost free time to all their other commitments.
What does “10 Days of Dads-Giving” look like? There will be some of the low hurdles for me like dining out, sleepovers, movies and getting the family Christmas Tree so Mom and Cayden come home to the Christmas season in our home. There will be other events they are already aware of and excited for like Thanksgiving with family, seeing the high school perform the musical Guys and Dolls, and a trip to see Frozen live on stage at the Fulton Theatre in Lancaster. But what I’m most excited for will be the other handful of experiences I have in sort as surprises in-between it all.
It's an awesome opportunity for Cayden and Desiree to experience other countries together, just the two of them. And of course, for Cayden to play soccer – his passion. But it’s also a great opportunity for me to make up for all the moments I miss being busy with work and volunteering. I’m going to embrace being a “YES” Dad to the younger boys, and make it a 10-day period they may never forget. At least that’s my goal.
By the time you read this, I will probably be 5 days through the experience. Wish me luck – and feel free to check in on me. It’ll give me an opportunity to say Happy Thanksgiving directly to you and yours.
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